Please contact us!
Dickey Hall, Room 233
1570 Baltimore Pike
Lincoln University, PA
Cengage Unlimited is a subscription service that provides students access to a vast library of digital textbooks and course materials. It offers a cost-effective alternative to purchasing individual textbooks, allowing students to access materials for multiple courses under a single 12-month subscription cost of $180.
Instructors can adopt a single e-book or multiple books and courseware (homework platforms) per course. That way, you can build the best textbook resources that work for your course. Courseware like MindTap offers interactive auto-graded activities, embedded quizzes and assessments, tutorials, and even adaptive learning.
Step 1: Create a . You will need to verify your faculty status by taking a photo of your ID, onboarding document, or a screenshot of your Canvas dashboard.
Step 2: Search for a textbook. Preferably choose a textbook that has MindTap to get the most available resources. You can filter for MindTap when you search by platform.
Step 3: Add the e-text or platform to you Library.
Please note that students must be able to access the Cengage book through their Canvas course for their Unlimited account to work.
Step 1: Go to your Canvas course. Under Settings from the left sidebar, to the top of your course after the Modules lable. Be sure to click the Save button!
Step 2: Click on the Cengage label from the left sidebar. Now you can add an e-textbook or the complete platform. If you have chosen to only uses an e-textbook, you can add the entire book or one chapter at a time. This book will then import as its own course Module. Drag the chapter or book to its designated module.
If using a platform like MindTap, you will need to set up your course and sections. If you are the coordinator for a course taught by adjunct faculty, you can quickly . Setting up a course master with sections makes coordinating easier.
For help setting up your Cengage Unlimited textbook, contact